4 March was a red-letter day at Laminated Timber Solutions (LTS): it was then that the timber construction specialist received confirmation that they had been given a ‘cadwork award’. The innovative company succeeded in persuading visitors to its Facebook page of the value of cadwork with a passive building constructed entirely of cross-laminated timber (CLT), comprising 17 units (single- and dual-storey apartments), with ancillary common parts. The project is located in Molenbeek and came out top above ten other submissions in the ‘public buildings’ category.
The company’s managing director, Niko Bonnyns, is delighted at winning the award and says, “It’s an acknowledgement of our expertise in 3D design and of the whole host of studies we carried out in relation to the project. I am particularly proud of the entire LTS team and would also express a word of congratulation to them on securing this accolade.”
Cadwork is a software specialist offering a number of 3D and CAD/CAM solutions, including for project designers in the field of timber construction. Several months back, the firm asked customers to sign up to its ‘cadwork competition”. The chief aim was to give recognition to those who had produced the most aesthetically pleasing work in 2018, with the ultimate goal of giving extra attention to their customers’ expertise. Visitors to the ‘cadwork francophone’ Facebook page had one month in which to name their favourite in each category (which they did by ‘liking’ it). The category winners were then decided by totting up the total ‘likes’ for each project.
This is the new website of Korlam, Lamcol, Buildinx and Groep Terryn (korlam.be, lamcol.be, buildinx.be or groepterryn.be).
Laminated Timber Solutions | Breulstraat 111 | 8890 Moorslede | Aux Minières 12 | 6900 Marche-en-Famenne | T +32 51 78 88 88 | ltsbelgium@ltsbelgium.be
Laminated Timber Solutions
Breulstraat 111, 8890 Moorslede
Aux Minières 5, 6900 Marche-en-Famenne
T +32 84 31 52 74
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